Welcome to SwissNeoNet

Website of the certified Swiss neonatology clinics


Together for the best start in life

Companion from the beginning

We are a group of professionals who work together to ensure the well-being of Swiss newborns who require medical care during and after birth. This includes premature babies as well as sick newborns who require medical care in intensive and intermediate hospitals.

We accompany them during the initial hospitalization and, if necessary, until the developmental neurological follow-up examinations in the first five to six years of life. Our goal is to ensure the best possible medical care for all our patients during this time. In doing so, we contribute to an improved quality of life for those who still have their whole lives ahead of them, including their families.

To this end, we have formed a network, review and discuss the quality of our treatment every six months and carry out studies together. This type of quality cooperation is unique in Switzerland.

Comprehensive quality assurance

Our clinics are certified annually according to comprehensive, strict quality criteria. These guarantee, among other:

  • A minimum number of patients
  • Evidence-based, adequate 24-hour medical care
  • Nursing staffing capacity tailored to the type of treatment
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration with other specialists

Our Network

Select the neonatal intensive care clinic you want to find out more about below. All clinics are subject to the same guidelines and are certified to treat all types of newborn complications.

Kantonsspital Aarau AG

Tellstrasse 25, 5001 Aarau

Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel

Spitalstrasse 33, 4056 Basel

Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern

Theodor-Kocher-Haus, Friedbühlstrasse 19, 3010 Bern

Kantonsspital Graubünden

Loëstrasse 170, CH-7000 Chur

Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève

Bvd. de la Cluse 30, 1205 Genève

Kantonsspital Luzern

Spitalstrasse Haus 33, 6000 Luzern

Ostschweizer Perinatalzentrum

Claudiusstrasse 6, 9000 St. Gallen

CHUV Lausanne

Bâtiment de la Maternité, AV. Pierre-Decker 2, 1011 Lausanne

Universitätsspital Zürich

Frauenklinikstrasse 10, 8091 Zürich

Our Mission

Studies & our network

We conduct extensive studies and collect valuable data in the field of neonatology. On our website you will find some of this data on the hospitals involved, as well as important literature and information that is crucial for understanding and advancing this topic. These resources help parents, professionals and researchers make informed decisions and provide the best possible care for premature babies and sick newborns.

Why do we want to conduct these studies?

If we understand better how high-risk newborns are doing, we can start treatments earlier or take measures that will give the children and their parents a better future.

Your contribution counts!
The Swiss Neonatal Network tries to find answers that are valid for Switzerland to questions about the development of high-risk newborns, for example by documenting the growth and development of premature babies and sick newborns.
We want to accompany your child on his or her journey through life into adolescence. Note that with your permission, the results of the medical follow-up examination at 2 and 5-6 years of age can be recorded in the SwissNeoNet register. Evaluation for quality assessment and research purposes are done in a completely anonymous manner.
If you do not wish this, you have the right to prohibit this use.

Swiss Neonatal Network & Follow-up Group

Was your child born prematurely? We are interested in knowing how he or she is doing today. How is your child doing at school? How is he or she feeling? What is his or her quality of life like? If your child was born before the 28th week of pregnancy and is not already included in a follow-up examination program, please contact us (see Moving below)

If you are moving to another location in Switzerland, you will find a list of the contact details you need to report the move and arrange a follow-up examination near your new place of residence. Thank you for taking the time to let us know about your move. About us

Thank you for your support!
With your commitment, premature babies will be better understood and receive better support and care.

Family with child in winter